In an old science fiction story by Damon Knight, aliens arrive on Earth and provide us with some of the advanced tech and cheap unlimited power they enjoy on their home planet - which we are encouraged to visit as part of a ten year exchange program. As people trundle happily off into the spaceships, the narrator steals an alien book, along with an alien/earth dictionary, and manages to translate the title : "To Serve Man". That sounds pretty nice but further translation reveals it to be a cookbook.
Stephen Harper's "Here For Canada" campaign pitch strikes me very much the same way.
Indeed, the kittens were just an appetiser.
That's a really powerful video. Well done. You should do it in high def and send it off the opposition parties.
Thanks, Ian. I redid it and stuck it up on Youtube.
Stephen Harper's "here for Canada" in the same way the fox is here for the chickens.
The video begins with: "Canada is and always has been our country."
and this makes sense?
Croghie : It makes sense to the people it's meant to make sense to. It's short for :
"Canada is and always has been our country, unlike Iggy who lived abroad for years and also referred to other countries his too."
He has to be a bit tricky here so as not to offend immigrants.
If you watch the original, we get lots of scenery and Steve doesn't make his appearance until a third of the way in on the words : "It's why we serve". His second appearance comes on the words "courageous warrior".
"Loyal to our friends" ? - fighter jets.
The various analysts who thought this was a stupid meaningless ad were not the people it was meant for.
Steve's original ad, juxtaposed with the tea party ad it most resembles, here.
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